7 April 2012

easy ways to de-stress

Learn to de-stress yourself in more than one way and live happily

Be it students, homemaker, office goers everyone experience it. anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress. some stresses gets you going and they are good for you ,without any stress at all many say our life would be boring and would probably feel pointless.
however, when the stress undermine both our physical and mental health they are bad. research suggest a link between high sensitivity to stress and the onset of serious anxiety and depression,

so here are few ways to de-stress

Think positive:- when you are stressed you are more vulnerable to negative self-talk, the chronic criticism may echo in your head and heart.
Talk to yourself in a positive way. counter these with affirmation about your ability and self-worth,
say to yourself that you love yourself and you are the best. surround yourself with positive friends, and happy thoughts. Having positive thoughts will improve your life.

Exercise regularly:- Pursue some form of physical exercise be it swimming,brisk walk,kick boxing, dancing and something you enjoy. fitness expert Leena Mogre says,
Exercise 40 to 50 minutes daily aat least 5 days a week include yoga,stretchingexercise,warm up and cool down in your regime,Exercise is a tress fighting activity, which creates a natural and consturctive outlets for negative emotion such as anger or frustration.

LAUGH:- Humour is a potent stress reducer. foster a humorous view of life. laughter releses oxygen and soothes the mind and cuts down on the stress. read lighthearted comic strips for a few minutes or watch comic play and movies.it can dissipates anger,sadness and other negative emotions. laughter can bring more optimism and a more positive attitude. it can also bring resiliency that will help you bounce back from disappointments and survive tough time so spend time with happy people.

Pursue a hobby:- pursuing hobby is considered to be an enriching activity, it has a positive impact ones wellbeing. hobbies are more than just ways to creatively pass the time-they're also good for the health. so spend some time painting,cooking,baking, and reading

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