8 April 2012

How to raise a child to be an achiever

IMPORTANCE OF SCHOOL School comes first. When school is on,studies should be given priority. True success in school is not about getting top grades, it is about developing a lifelong love of learning and enjoying the classroom atmosphere.

ENCOURAGE, DON'T PUSH It is important to encourage your child, but do not push him/her too hard. being able to choose what he/she wants to play with gives him/her a feeling of having control over his life and gives him self-confience

NEVER MAKE THE TEACHER THE ENEMY "If you don't do it i will tell your teacher!" this gives birth to a phobia for 'teachers' and in the long run for 'studies'.

BEING INDEPENDENT Encourage your child to be independent. allow theme to eat by themselves. initially they will make a mess but gradually they will learn. allow them to choose thier clothes and dress themselves. be there only to guide them if they are going drastically wrong. giving your child an opportunity to make choices builds his self-confidence and decision making skills, which are important for his development. the faster your child learns to be independent ,the sooner he will begin t shine.

BE A ROLE MODEL A child's first role models are parents. you need to be on your best behaviour in front of them, especially in the formative years. if your child sees you doing creative things, he/she will imitate you.

WORKING IN A TEAM In a team, there are some more members who will give ideas and some members who are better at carrying out those ideas. find out what type of a team member your child is work on those strengths. as part of a team, it is very important to listen to others.sometimes, we are so busy talking that we do not hear what others are saying. perhaps that is why we have tow ears and one mouth so that we can listen more than we can speak

READING HOUR Schedule a regularly reading session when everyone reads independently. it is important for your child to see you read. a reading atmosphere breeds the reading habit. Encourage them to make a DEAN their best friend. DEAN stands for dictionary, encyclopedia,atlas,newspaper. whenever they have a query they can go to DEAN

PLAY WITH THE SAME AGE GROUP When your kid play with other kids, he learns to combine ideas,impression and feeling with other kids' experiences and opinions,don't alienate your kid, especially if you have only one child, they need to grow in an environment with others of their age group and opinions

TALK WITH YOUR CHILD Don't talk to your child,talk with him. two way communication is extremely important. get out of 'baby talk' as early as possible.

ENCOURAGE YOUR KID TO EXERCISE Physical exercise not only makes your child strong, it makes them smart ! running about and playing increases the flow of blood to the brain and builds new brain cells. if your child is hyper-active,divert his energy into activities like dance,tennis or some other sport.

DON'T FORCE THEM INTO ANYTHING School to dance class,to tuition to tennis lessons, to computer class, to art class to.... when does the child get to play ? don't push your child into anything which he or she is not interested in. Remember, the child willl never ne an achiever in a field that he/she dislikes

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